Best Burgers in Southern Sawyer county

Winter WI - Northern Wisconsin offers visitors a treasure trove of sights and sounds and experiences that cannot be replicated anywhere else. From the pristine lakes and waters brimming with life, to the scene of fall leaves bursting into color.
Whatever the time of year you visit Southern Sawyer County, you’ll find something for everyone. But while everyone might have something else on their mind as far as what they’re searching for, there is one great uniter – food.
Everyone loves a good meal.
Should you step out of your car or truck or ATV for a brief moment, you’ll smell a number of aromas wafting through the air. Those savory smells are particularly tempting on a sizzling summer day, in Southern Sawyer County.
Here and there, in towns like Loretta, Draper, Winter, Radisson and all along the Tuscobia Trail, you’ll find a unique haven where the best burgers, fish fry, steaks and sandwiches and so much more are lovingly prepared by cooks who love their craft.
These various “Hidden Gems” come in the form of restaurants, bars, taverns, and resorts opening their doors for burger lovers far and wide. These unassuming establishments are in fact home to some of the most extraordinary burgers that have ever graced a bun. These establishments are not just a place to eat and drink; they can be considered a culinary haven that draws foodies from all over the state of Wisconsin and visitors alike.
Every day, the tantalizing aroma of sizzling patties, piled high with Wisconsin cheeses and freshly baked buns wafts through the air, creating a magnetic force that lure people in. The menus can be considered a gourmet masterpiece, featuring a variety of burgers that catered to different tastes and preferences.

When surveying the locals of Southern Sawyer County, the most common answer for the question, “Where can I get the best burger?” was Trap ‘N Fish Lodge in Winter Wisconsin. The Trap ‘N Fish Lodge has become one popular location for great burgers with Andy Shotliff cheffing up some culinary masterpieces. Let's take this Bacon Cheeseburger for example, a very popular selection.

Then, there was the Helsing’s Bar "Mushroom and Swiss” , a timeless creation featuring a juicy beef patty topped with melted swiss, delicious caramelized mushrooms piled high on a burger bun. Helsing’s Bar & Grill is at the intersection of N Clark St, and Hwy 27/70 in the Village of Radisson.

Another burger that came in as a popular selection was the Hangover Burger, found at the Bucktail Lodge in Winter Wisconsin.